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Car detailing is the art and craft of restoring and preserving a car’s appearance both on the exterior and interior. Detailing is so much more than just car washing. It incorporates safe car washing techniques along with a whole realm of restoration methods for different materials you might encounter on a vehicle.

My philosophy is not to fixate on always trying to make something look as new as possible, but to ensure that the restoration is balanced with the preservation of the vehicle. This, I believe should be at the forefront when you want to take care of your vehicle and to keep it looking great for a long time.

Headlight Restoration

Headlights can be hazy, yellowed, foggy, or scratched up. The easiest way to restore headlights is to use a headlight restoration kit.

Restoring Faded Seatbelt Buttons

The red color on seatbelt buttons fade over time. Use a wax, sealant, or coating to apply to it for a quick-and-easy restoration.

Guide to Cleaning a Stick/Tacky Steering Wheel

It’s uncomfortable to use a steering wheel with a sticky feel to it. Majority of the time, it’s just requires cleaning off the built-up grease, oils, and contaminants.

Removing Food Stain From Fabric Seats (Without An Extractor)

If you don’t have an extractor, it’s still possible to remove food stains from fabric seats. You just need a fabric cleaning solution and a wet/dry vacuum.

What are the best detailing products are on the market today?

Asking what the best detailing products may be a subjective question since the term “best” can mean different things to different people. It can also depend on what the particular product is. To me, the best products are those that perform well, have good bang-for-the-buck, and are vetted by the industry pros/enthusiasts.

These best-of lists have been compiled based on the number of recommendations made by experienced detailers on car detailing forums, authoritative websites, Youtube channels, and even Facebook groups. I believe that this will help you with your quest to find the best detailing products on the market today.

Garage/Shop Renovation Series

Since I’ve been remodeling the garage in our home, I’ve had new drywall installed and gone through the steps to prep and paint the walls. Prior to getting the walls up, I knew I would have the opportunity to run a new electrical circuit and install some outlets so that I charge and plug in my tools. I also planned to install a wall-mounted garage door opener near the garage door, which I would need to run electrical and provide an outlet for.

As with any home improvement project, you’ll need quite a few tools and materials to properly paint your walls. There’s of course the primer and paint, and then the products used to prep and paint the walls. The process takes a day or two, but it may take longer if you need to prep your existing walls. At the end, it’s satisfying when you see fresh paint on the walls–it really transforms the garage space into a place that you want to spend time in.

There are a number of options available for garage flooring such as stick-on vinyl tiles, interlocking tiles, and floor coatings. I’ve heard a lot of the good and bad things for all of these options, but in my opinion, the option that combines the best looks with the most durability is an epoxy floor with a polyaspartic topcoat. This is the option we ultimately went with, but I will go over the various options below to better inform you of the various options.

I’ve used my BRIDJIT Curb Ramp for 5+ years now and it works really well. The quality is very good, it has held up over time, and it does exactly what it promises which is to keep your car from scrapping or bumping into the rolled curb. There are also some added features that I like, which include the channel drain that allows surface runoff to pass underneath the ramp. I also like that it is extremely heavy, as it helps to deter theft.