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Supercharger vs Turbo Animation

If you haven’t already seen the animated infographic on How a Car Engine Works, check it out here.

Here is yet another spectacular animation showing how a turbocharger works and how a supercharger works. If it’s been hard for you to picture the inner-workings of a turbo or supercharger, you’re not alone. I’ve always struggled to understand the internal mechanics and these animated infographics help solve that issue. I’ve featured some screenshots of the page, but you should really see the animated version under the link below.

Link to Animagraff’s Animated Infographic: http://www.animagraffs.com/supercharger-vs-turbo/

supercharger vs turbo animation
supercharger vs turbo animation

Hi there! I'm Scott and I run The Track Ahead. My goal is to write helpful articles, tutorials, and reviews based on my personal experience with car maintenance and detailing. I've been wrenching on and detailing cars for 15+ years and now share my knowledge with others on this site to help them care for their vehicles.

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